Blog Posts


The Glenn and Vivian Prater Memorial Scholarship Fund held at East Texas Communities Foundation in Tyler, Texas, is currently accepting applications online through March 1, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. The Glenn and Vivian Prater Memorial Scholarship was established to assist...

75,000 Reasons To Give

The United Way of Smith County is providing 75,000 reasons for you to make a gift to support local nonprofits on Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday falls on November 30th this year, following Black Friday on November 26th and Cyber Monday on November 29th. Giving Tuesday...

End of Year Charitable Planning

The stores in town are filling up with Christmas decorations and moving loads of Halloween candy at the same time. I’m not that keen on ghouls and goblins, so I don’t mind seeing the trees and lights show up in the stores, but it seems early to see all the Christmas...

Supporting a Slow Recovery

If I’ve said it once in the past year, I’ve said it a thousand times, “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” Remember those famous words proclaimed by every official, everywhere, coming up on 11 months ago now. How is that “two weeks” working out for you? As you well know,...

Honoring Dr. King

I’m an eternal optimist. I always try to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. In light of the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, I took the opportunity to read Dr. King’s famous 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech. It was easy to find and I would...

Job Opening- Program Officer at ETCF

Organization: East Texas Communities Foundation (ETCF) is a growing community foundation serving 32 counties in East Texas. Established in 1989, ETCF supports philanthropy by offering simple ways for donors to achieve their long-term charitable goals. ETCF offers...

Last Call For 2020 Charitable Giving

If you have ever traveled by air, you have probably heard a wide variety of boarding calls over the airport public-address system. Once you arrived at your departure gate, you probably heard a series of messages giving passengers instructions about the boarding...

ETCF Offers 8 New Scholarships for East Texas Students

East Texas Communities Foundation is currently accepting applications from East Texas students for seventy-seven scholarships to be awarded for the 2021-2022 academic year. To assist applicants determine which scholarships they are most likely eligible for, ETCF has...