The Roy and Betty Erickson Charitable Fund for Nursing held at East Texas Communities Foundation (ETCF) in Tyler, Texas, awarded a grant to the newly renovated Northeast Texas Community College Nursing Program for the purchase of a ventilator for their simulation lab.

“The inclusion of a ventilator in our simulation lab enables nursing students to develop critical skills managing patients requiring ventilation,” said Dr. Jon McCullough, Executive Vice President for Advancement at Northeast Texas Community College. “Through practicing in a controlled environment, students will improve their proficiency in understanding ventilator settings, managing alarms, and decision-making.”

The equipment purchased will be utilized by a variety of health career departments including nursing, EMT/ paramedic and surgical technologies. “Not only will the renovated SIM lab directly benefit the students enrolled in nursing and related fields by providing them with hands-on training opportunities, but it will also foster a valuable partnership with Titus Regional Medical Center (TRMC) allowing critical care interns to utilize the facilities and gain experience with ventilator usage,” McCullough added.

The Betty and Roy Erickson Charitable Fund for Nursing was established to support the field of nursing in East Texas. Applicants are limited to public colleges, universities or private institutions serving select counties in East Texas.  “The acquisition of this equipment is an investment that will better prepare our nursing students to become competent healthcare professionals,” said Mccullough. “Our nursing department is blessed for the opportunity to receive this grant.”